Infant Head Shaping Helmet. We are very happy with our decision of having him wear a Doc Band. The closer your baby gets to one year old the slower their growth curve. If your baby has a large flat spot that isnt getting better by about 4 months of age your doctor may prescribe a helmet. The helmet is usually made out of plastic and can look a lot like a bicycle helmet.
Today he graduated and his head shape has shown so much improvement. For a helmet to be effective treatment should begin between 4 and 6 months of age. While the adult skull is hard the skull of a baby is made up of. Treatment can be longer for children who start treatment after the optimal treatment window has passed. Most people dont know what a baby helmet is for plagiocephaly and it seems cold and medical. This will allow for the helmet to gently shape your.
Your doctor will check your babys head size and shape at each well-child visit.
Most babies end their helmet journey close to the 1 year old mark because the improvements in head shape tend to be relatively small after this time frame. Each helmet is custom made to safely and effectively redirect the babys natural growth into a normal head shape. The staff at Cranial Tech in Phoenix and Mesa AZ were always super friendly and helpful. The closer your baby gets to one year old the slower their growth curve. That way pressure isnt always squarely on the back of the head. A custom-fitted helmet relieves pressure on the flattened side of your babys head.