Is Hpv Contagious When Dormant. Although HPV is not transmitted when the virus is dormant individuals with weakened immune are at higher risk to trigger this infection into active mode because body immunity is the principal line of defense against HPV and keep the virus at bay. It wont be detected by testing and will not spread or cause any problems. Human papillomavirus HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the. Since its passed through skin-to-skin contact rather than bodily fluids it can be passed on even if a condom is being used for sex.
If one partner has HPV and the other doesnt its not. But reality is youre contagious when the body still has the virus it hasnt beat yet. Advanced as it is medical science does not yet have all answers to the mysteries of life and HPV dormant period happens to be among them. HPV-triggered cancers can take years or even decades to develop. While dormant the virus is inactive. All of the HPV types are contagious.
HPV infections can have a long incubation period.
This is because HPV may remain dormant hidden in the cervical cells for months or even many years. Although HPV is not transmitted when the virus is dormant individuals with weakened immune are at higher risk to trigger this infection into active mode because body immunity is the principal line of defense against HPV and keep the virus at bay. If it is dormant your immune system is properly controlling it and it isnt contagious. Anyone who is sexually active can get HPV even if you have had sex with only one person. Since its passed through skin-to-skin contact rather than bodily fluids it can be passed on even if a condom is being used for sex. HPV infections can have a long incubation period.